Friday, 20 June 2014

Trichotillomania - A Obsessive compulsive disorder

What is Trichotillomania?

Trichotillomania or Trichotillosis, in simple words, is the hair pulling disorder. The person suffering from Trichotillomania feels the urge to pull out the hair from the scalp, eye-brows, hands, legs and from other body parts. In some cases, they eat the removed hair. The urge of removing the hair is so strong that they cannot stop it inspite of knowing it is not good for ownself. The person feels the pleasure after removing of the hair and then leaves the guilt feeling afterwards. Mostly person who suffers from loneliness and are in isolation suffers from this disease. Trichotillomania is hereditary as per the various research and studies on the said disease
Is Trichotillomania a Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?
OCD is related to the person who find himself anxious most of the time doing repetitively certain things especially which are body focused. The person suffering from Trichotillosis knowingly or unknowingly starts pulling the hair whenever he / she suffer from the feeling of fear / tension / uneasiness etc. So it won't be wrong to term Trichotillomania as the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Symptoms of Trichotillomania

1) Pulling of hair again and again resulting in bald patches and noticeable hair loss.
2) Whenever tensed or anxious, fingers automatically rolling in the hair feeling to get it pulled
3) People keeping things to themselves and not talking about certain things that they are either ashamed of or afraid of. This results in isolation and further a feeling of pulling the hair
4) Continuous stress, pressures and the feeling of failures can also result in Trichotillomania
Are there any therapy / treatment to control Trichotillomania?
Yes. First and foremost thing is to educate yourself with the problem, timing when it usually occurs and triggers that force you towards the hair pulling. Try to avoid those situations as much as possible.
The habit reversal training is the most oldest and trustful treatment for Trichotillomania. The three main component of this training is awareness training, competing response training and social support. First stage is to identify and aware of the situations that triggers the hair pulling. Once identified, try to discourage it by substituting with another response. Lastly family and friends support play the key role into converting the hair pulling habit. It is the duty of the friends and loved ones to support the person suffering from the Trichotillomania and give the positive but encouraging feedback to help them to improve on the situations.

Self monitoring and assessment on the regular basis can also result in preventing the trichotillomania. Award yourself for successfully controlling the urge for certain period of time or in certain situations. Challenge yourself by increasing the timings after every award.


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